
" Human, social and natural sciences in comics and elsewhere "

June, 15th-17th, 2022

Cité Internationale de la BD et de l'Image, Angoulème (France)

General presentation of the conference

"Human, social and natural sciences in comics and elsewhere."

The Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz and the Stimuli association are organizing the third edition of the international symposium Telling Science, drawing Science TSDS#3 - Science in narrative, Science in images, in 2022 at the Cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l'image in Angoulême (France).

Science is told, science is drawn, science is staged. It is taking its place in cultural spaces for the general public (theatres, children's books, graphic novels, comic strips) and is gradually moving out of its usual media of expression (research articles, symposia, magazines and specialist books). Today, teachers use narrative and visual arts to bring science to life in their classrooms; researchers and authors combine their talents to make the secrets of laboratories known to as many people as possible; academic knowledge and research methods are put into bubbles, boxes, albums, novels, plays...

Between preserving the integrity of the knowledge to be delivered, respecting the rules and constraints intrinsic to the media or artistic form chosen (narrative codes, graphics) and taking into account the interests of the target public, the processes of creation and use of narratives and images that speak of science "otherwise" are the result of clever tricks, compromise and sometimes renunciation; so many choices left in the shadow of creation and yet worthy of being known, shared and discussed. There are two major reasons for this. Firstly, such an explanation makes it possible to broaden the range of possibilities for action by highlighting what exists, what works and what works less (what impact on learning? understanding of the knowledge at stake? motivation? etc.). It also makes it possible to understand the reasons for the choices made (what graphic choices? narrative? for what intentions? with what constraints?), to take the scientific narrative out of the mistrust to which it is sometimes subjected and to give the user the keys to read, look at and hear the staged science, in the most accurate and appropriate way.

Research (in education, mediation, language sciences, in particular), practice and experience (artistic, scriptwriting, pedagogical, media, etc.) are all fields likely to shed light on these issues.

The aim of the symposium Science in narrative, science in image is therefore to promote and share experiences of research and/or mediation in the fields of education, scientific mediation and communication, narrative and image. The symposium is open to all researchers and practitioners (illustrators, mediators, authors, authors, teachers, trainers, etc.) concerned with the transmission of knowledge in the scientific disciplines: mathematics, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences.

The Year of the Comic Strip (in France) gives rise to numerous educational initiatives focused on the use of comics in the classroom and in training. TSDS#3 will highlight the most successful of them.


  • SAVE THE DATE: March 1, 2020
  • First call for papers: 1 April 2020
  • Second call for papers: 1 June 2020
  • Opening of the submission of communications: 1 October 2020
  • Closing date for submission of papers: 15 November 2021
  • Selection of selected papers: February 1, 2022
  • Final submission of selected papers: 15 March 2022
  • Registration opens: 1 November 2021
  • Registration closes: March 31, 2022

Proceedings of the 2nd edition


  • Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz
  • Association STIMULI
  • Cité Internationale de la BD et de l'Image
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